March 29, 2018

Beware the Pendulum Swing

Years ago, when I first joined the staff of our K-8 school, we were a technological desert. A wasteland of dusty desktop computers with flickering CRT monitors, erratic hums from hard drives, and a steady stream of "blue screens of death". Classrooms didn't have devices, they were vanquished to the relishes of the basement with its low ceilings, pupil sedating fluorescent lighting, and wet carpet odours.

When I got the position of teaching fifth grade, a new principal also came on board. She trusted me to start making some changes to the distribution of technological resources in our school and to start building the case for investment. I started to plant seeds in the minds of my colleagues that technology, and in particular mobile technology is here to stay, so why not meet our students where they are at using the tools they are already familiar with?

Running parallel to this slowly emerging shift was a series of changes from afar with a perceived mandate to change how we teach mathematics. Professional development sessions were offered, school improvement plans adjusted, resources sent (with no consultation) to the school from above, curriculum consultants breathing down our backs, and a flurry of news articles proclaiming mathematics instruction in Ontario to be a disaster.

Add to this mix a tense work environment caused by faulty legislation designed to avoid contract negotiations with teaching unions, a work-to-rule campaign, and a one day strike. Teachers were frayed, exhausted, not looking for more change.

It prompted a discussion, a reckoning: "we have to save ourselves by doing what works, not what others demand of us." The diverse teaching staff, with a range of experience from thirty to two years embraced that credo. It became a daily conversation around the staff room lunch table.

The staff was less interested in behaving like sheep and more interested in doing what they know already works for their students. With the support of an unconventional principal, the system seemed to be working. But then, we had to face some other facts, some students, a minority, a group that shared the common thread of having a learning disability were doing disastrously.

Standardized test, school climate surveys, yelling matches on the school yard, temper tantrums in classrooms, refusals to do work, and tears, lots of tears. The signs were all around us, we weren't reaching every student.

In came educational technology, version 2.0. Chromebooks, iPads, projectors, and Smartboards all carefully selected tools, the result of careful consultation with teachers, purchased and setup only as teachers expressed interest. It started in one classroom, mine.

If I could prove the value of these tools, demonstrate the learning, and reach the hardest to reach students then I would have a shot, maybe technology could be a part of the solution, maybe more staff would jump on board.

There were ten Chromebooks, a pretty significant investment in a new idea. There were challenges, not from the students, but from the technological infrastructure in place. Too little wifi and a complicated login process designed for adults not children. With time, feedback, and lots of listening, the information technology department slowly adjusted processes and infrastructure, paving the way for other classes in our school and beyond.

Quickly, but with lots of work, students were connecting, learning, and creating in new ways. Written pieces of work had formative feedback more quickly and more meaningfully. Students started sharing their learning in video format, producing news programs and hurriedly did more research so they could have more lines. Students embraced TED Talks, wanting to learn more about topics that piqued their interest and soon wanted to run their own to share their passions with our community.

Most importantly, the culture evolved. Students saw everyone learning, working, creating. Everyone was an equal here. Everyone used the same tools.

Slowly, every year since then, teachers have come "online". They have embraced technological tools to address some of the needs in their classrooms. It's slow going, but that's the way it has to be, we want to get it right, and when it doesn't work, study it, figure it out, learn.

We see it all around us, the technological pendulum swing. Posters with dozens of apps listed that claim to solve this problem and that problem. Use this app! This app will fix it! Just like Dr. Wilson's Memory Elixir - cures every ailment: headache, diabetes, muscle tension, women's problems. Just two drops a day! In a profession with so many demands and so little time, the allure is strong.

When we visit other schools we see tubs of devices collecting dust. The reminders are all around us, beware the pendulum swing.


This piece acts as a final reflection in the IICT Part 2 AQ course from ETFO. The underlying theme in my mind is that educational technology provides so much promise, but the reality is that solutions are difficult and ready made simple fixes just don't exist. Hard work, perseverance, and keeping the needs of students front and centre will get us there.


January 26, 2018

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going

It's been a number of years since I last updated this blog - my journey into the world of teaching and learning. After reading a blog post about the value of reflection by George Courus as part of the Integration of Information and Communication Technology, Part 2 AQ course, I thought it was about time to reflect and set some new priorities.

When I first took over my classroom, the physical space was both an opportunity and a disappointment. I had two older desktop computers, wired internet, blackboards, loads of dusty books, and tons of ideas and energy.

I quickly removed my blackboards and built my own homemade whiteboards. They lasted a number of years, but about two months ago they were replaced with real whiteboards - hooray!

I built my own interactive whiteboard and had that replaced (with the support of my administrator)  with a Smartboard and projector installation on the ceiling.

With the support of that same administrator I was able to build up a small collection of iPads that quickly morphed into a project to outfit every classroom with new portable devices. I now have a large complement of iPads and Chromebooks.

I implemented my own Google Apps for Education (now G Suite) instal and administered accounts for all of my students ahead of an initiative that brought G Suite to our entire district.

I have slowly built up my classroom library with new and high-interest books at a variety of reading levels.

After doing some research on project based learning (PBL), a leaned in, fully. I spent a whole year doing all of my social studies and science curriculum using the PBL model. It went so well I presented a workshop at one of school district's professional development days and put together a how-to video:

A lot of learning has happened. While I used to teach some combination of fourth and fifth grades, I now teacher seventh and eighth grades after our school added an intermediate division to become a K-8 school. I am the first intermediate teacher at Central Public School which is an amazing opportunity to establish what intermediate learning at our school means. That transition has lead to piles of learning that I need to take some more time to reflect upon. In the meantime, here's how the physical space has changed:
  • wifi!!
  • a ceiling mounted projector
  • a sit/stand adjustable computer desk
  • a learning "cafe" with bar stools along the windows
  • a new giant cork board in the hallway to display out work
  • a Smartboard
  • wireless video from my laptop to the projector
  • an Apple TV
  • a growing collection of 18 Chromebooks and 5 iPads
  • some fresh paint and new bookcases
  • plants!!
Gone is:
  • my grandmother's couch (I miss it - I needed the space)
  • the reading carpet (miss it too)
What's next?

I put together a list of my goals here.

July 23, 2014

HOW TO: Create an Audio Book Review and Play Them Using QR Codes on iPads

Since receiving a small number of iPads for my classroom, I have been doing some research on how best to use them effectively. This week I stumbled across a free app called Audioboo that allows students to record their thinking in audio form. The audio files are published on the web where a greater audience of other students in the class can hear their thoughts. 

During some collaborative inquiry professional development this year, a colleague and I were examining how audience has an impact on student work. Through that professional development, we learned that students are more engaged and are more careful in constructing their work when a public audiences is added into the equation. Using Audioboo to create more accountable book reviews seems like a natural extension of that learning. 

When students create an audio file using Audioboo, they can also create a QR code that will provide a scannable link to their audio file. Teachers and students could post their QR codes around the room and then allow other students to scan them and listen to those audio files on their iPads.

How to create an Audioboo file:

1. Download and install Audioboo for free from the App Store.
Recording an audio file.

2. Open the app and on the bottom left of the screen click on the red record button. Then press the next red record button in the popup dialog box. You will have up to 10 minutes of recording time. 

3. When you are done or want to take a break press the pause button.

4. You can click on the scissor icon to trim your audio file as needed.

5. When your file is ready for publishing click on publish.

6. In the publish dialog box you can add a title, description, photo, and your location. I recommend turning off location services in the Audioboo main settings to protect student privacy. 
Adding information about your file before uploading.
7. When you're finished adding the information you want, press upload to send your audio file to the web. You will now be able to access your audio file in the Audioboo app or on their website.

How to create a scannable QR code that links to your audio file:

1. In the Audioboo app, click on "My Posts" and then click on the audio file you want to create a QR code for. This will take you to a more detailed page of information about your audio file. 

2. Click on the share button, and then click on "Open in Safari". This will take you to the webpage that houses your Audioboo file. 

3. Click on the grey box that says "QR Code". This will take you to a detailed QR code page. 

4. You can save the QR code picture onto your iPad by tapping and holding on the picture of the QR or you can print the page by pressing the print button and selecting an air print compatible printer. 

QR Code Scanning Tip: I really like using the free app Quickmark.
The printable QR code page.

September 21, 2013

A new school year has started and Inhave much to share about my attempt to more fully embrace the blended learning model. The journey so far has had many highs and the occasional low. 

May 15, 2013

My Blended Learning Journey [Updated]


As teachers we are always hearing about the importance of high-yield instructional strategies, timely and effective feedback, differentiation, assessment as or and for learning, and authentic tasks. These are great best-practices, but we struggle to do it all in a dynamic environment where there are more tasks than there is time to complete well.

Blended learning provides an opportunity for teachers to manage all of these best-practices a bit better. A blended learning model makes efficient use of technological resources to free up the teacher so that they can provide more individualized support to their students.

A blended classroom takes what is great about brick and mortar classrooms while adding the best elements of online e-learning. Here is a short video of what a blended learning model could look like:

That all seems great, but is it realistic? While not as glossy, many classrooms are already using a learning model similar to the one above. This blog entry chronicles my first few attempts at using the blended learning model in my classroom in an older school built in the 60s.

The Vision

I am fortunate in that my school has made an investment in classroom technology in the past two
Classroom arrangement for my first few attempts.
years. This was a school-led initiative, a focus we felt as a staff would help to prepare our students for a 21st century economy. We broke up our computer lab and installed those computers into classrooms so that students and teachers could use them right away when needed. This also allowed students to use assistive technology programs like Kurzweil, WordQ, and Dragon Naturally Speaking immediately rather than waiting to have access. We installed data projectors, document cameras, laptops, and even a few SMART boards to enhance instructional practices and student engagement. I am fortunate to say that all of these tools are available in my particular classroom plus some additional recycled desktop computers that our helpful I.T. professional setup for me.

In planning what my version of a blended classroom would look like, I came across some case studies by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, on how American charter schools are using this model. These case studies profiled a variety of blended learning arrangements. I settled on an approach that has three learning centres:
  • modelled learning area that features a guided component and interactive SMART board lessons;
  • a group activity area for hands-on learning;
  • an individual learning area focused on the use of computers to explore concepts.
Students will work in groups that move around the classroom at set intervals of time. For my first few attempts at this model, I will have the group rotate every 20 minutes. I have a feeling this won't be long enough, so I will probably have to look at adjusting my daily schedule to accommodate more time in the future.

Each blended learning session will be focused around a specific learning goal with each centre helping to reinforce that concept. The idea is to use a gradual release of responsibility where students learn something from the teacher, practice it in a group setting, and then work independently. In practice it will likely be difficult to have students move through the centres in this way unless they have staggered starts.

Modelled Learning Area

This is a teacher led area where a small group of students receives expert instruction in curriculum. Lessons have an interactive element that uses the SMART board to get students up to explore concepts. The teacher is able to do breakout groups at the guided table for individualized support that uses timely and effective feedback.

Group Learning Area
Students move from one centre to another
throughout a period of study.

The group learning area is where another small group of students is working collaboratively on a task related to a skill or curriculum expectation that is all related to the period's learning goal. Students at this area don't have access to the teacher and must instead work collaboratively to accomplish the task. Students will be able to ask questions about what they learned when they come to the modelled learning area.

Independent Learning Area

At this area, students work on their own using adaptive software (when available) on classroom computers. Because there are so many different sties and online resources that would be difficult for students to keep organized, I will be using Edmodo. Edmodo is an online platform that is visually similar to Facebook where I can post content in a safe school-centric environment. Edmodo allows me to keep track of students' activities while some adaptive software titles (like Reflex Math) allow me to track student achievement).


I am excited to be trying a new learning model that uses the technology available in my classroom to help me use more effective use of my time. I am hoping that I will see an increase in student engagement and increased academic growth. I will post some updates in the next few weeks including photos and a discussion on what worked well and what needs improvement.

April 24, 2013

Introduction to Blended Learning

I stumbled across this video a while back and I couldn't quite shake it from my thoughts. What an exciting and glossy version of a blended learning! At first I was thinking about how cool it would be to have all of that technology, then I realized I do have all of that technology! It may not be as flashy, but I am able to do nearly everything in that video.

I can:
  • Speak to experts using video conferencing through VROC
  • Provide interactive lessons using my Smartboard
  • Tracking learning, facilitate student collaboration, and connect with parents using Edmodo.
The real challenge is in integrating all of these technologies along with the other more occasional resource I use like Reflex Math, Gizmos, Ted-Ed, and WestPoint Bridge Designer while keeping aging hardware going in a facility with inadequate infrastructure.

Infrastructure and hardware have been a consistent problem since I started at my older school. We have been able to slowly make upgrades to the number of desktop computers, provide wireless internet, and install two premium SMART interactive whiteboards. Our electrical system will have to undergo upgrades because we keep flipping breakers! This is a great problem (in a way) because it means the entire school is making more effective use of our technology than in the past.

New this year is a shift in the teaching and learning model used in my classroom. I have more fully embraced the blended learning model so that it now operates daily in language and mathematics; accouning for 50% of the instructional day. My students love the freedom to learn at their own pace, the opportunities to collaborate with their peers, and the benefit of smaller group instruction. I love that I have more formative assessment data than ever before, can provide more timely feedback, and increased differentiation. 

Blended math learning in my class consists of four math centres. The first centre is in the computers where students receive personalized math lessons and practice through Moby. Moby is an app versions of the website Moby Max that can be installed into Edmodo.  Edmodo is a learning management system designed for elementary classrooms that draws from the visual styling of Facebook. Edmodo is where I post class and school news, assignments, marks, feedback, and quizzes. The Moby app administers a diagnostic test to see determine each student's placement in a math developmental continuum. Students recieve individualized learning experiences that adapt to student learning. Moby also provides rich assessment data on everything students are doing and provides a clear picture in where students may be struggling so that teacher interventions can be developed. 

February 02, 2013

HOW TO: Basic Classroom Podcasting

Classroom podcasting is something I had heard a lot about, but hadn't seen in practice. So when I decided that podcasting would be my next techie project, to the Internet I turned.
Our podcasting centre - cheap, old, but effective!

I discovered that if you a have a Macintosh computer in your classroom, the app Garage Band is probably the easiest way to produce a podcast. Garage Band makes recording, editing, importing effects/music, and publishing pretty easy. The problem though was that we don't have Macs at our school - we rely on ancient PCs running Windows XP.

To make my plan work I had to come up with an easy to use audio editing app that works on older computers. Audacity was the answer, and better yet, it's completely free. After installing Audacity and playing around with it for a few minutes I felt pretty confident that my students (grades 4 and 5) could learn it. The controls are very simple, the app uses the same symbols for recording and playback as you would find on an old tape reorder. The menus are simple and straightforward.

I attached a cheap microphone and headphones I found in the school basement to the back of the computer and we were in business. Students started recording their poetry as an oral communication centre during literacy centres time.

To make the recordings more interesting for the listener, and to get students thinking about their audience, I created an account at where students could download sound effects and music. Freesound is a fantastic website full of audio content that is freely available for this sort of application.

Audacity for Windows screenshot.
To get the downloaded content into Audacity, students downloaded the track they wanted, then simply imported the sound file using the "Import" option in the "File" menu. This added a new track to their projects. With some simple exploration, students were able to loop, trim, and adjust the volume of the effects to compliment their spoken words.

As students finished up their work and were happy with the results, they exported their podcast as a .wav file using the "Export" command in the "File" menu. When exporting, students have the option to add a track title and artist - this will show up when playing the file on an iPod. I suggest making sure that students know to save their Audacity project files as well as their exported .wav final product so that they can go back and make changes if needed.

Later on, I imported all the .wav files into iTunes to upload onto the class iPod. The next week, students were listening to and reflecting on their peers' podcasts as a literacy centres activity.

January 29, 2013

Ear Defenders

A cheap pair of ear defenders.
When I first heard "ear defenders" used in a sentence, I had no idea what to picture in my mind. An autism specialist in my school board thought they may protect my student from sensory overload. I thought, "Great! What are they?"

It turns out that ear defenders is just "Educationeese" for ear protectors - the kind you may use with your gas powered leaf blower or weed whacker. I was intrigued by this low-tech solution and quickly adopted its use for my student. Fortunately, ear defenders along with a few other strategies really did help to make my student feel more comfortable. Not long after though, I wondered if other students who suffered from auditory distractions could benefit.

I went to a local auto parts retailer (Princess Auto) and bought myself five more ear defenders that were quickly in use throughout my class and in high demand. Students who struggled with auditory distractions and anyone who wanted to escape from the sounds of the classroom loved this tool.

One tip to keep in mind, is that ear defenders should be adjustable to a size that is comfortable for the smaller size of children's heads. I also wouldn't invest in a ton of one particular model until it is known that they are comfortable enough to wear for extended periods of time.

October 31, 2012

Printable Number Line Banners

We coloured the even numbers blue, odd
numbers green, and the tens red.
While teaching multiplication, I thought it would be handy to have a number line across the front of the classroom to show students skip-counting. The problem is, I am feeling cheap these days and I don't want to spend money at those expensive teacher stores (though I am sure they have lots of colourful options). So, I turned to Google!

I came across a website called SparkleBox that features printable number lines of all sorts. You can print the pages of the PDF and then glue the number line into a banner - it works a lot like the "Outstanding Chart" I created. There are lots of different number line options to choose from filled with colour. Of course, my school does not have a colour printer, so I printed my number line off in greyscale and had my student teacher help me colour it in with markers. To make sure our work wasn't for naught, we laminated it to keep it around for a long while.

It was a lot of work to get this thing up, but the hour spent printing, colouring, gluing, cutting, and laminating was shorter than driving across town to buy a similar thing. The next day, my students noticed... job well done!

August 02, 2012

HOW-TO: Setup Apple TV in the Classroom

The Apple TV comes with a remote,
 but you'll have to purchase the HDMI cable
to connect to your TV or projector.
This past Christmas we purchased ourselves an Apple TV 2 (Apple TV 3 now available) in an attempt to cut ourselves off from pricey cable television. It took a few months of figuring to eventually ditch cable. My quest to make the Apple TV our digital media hub and content provider got me thinking about how I could use this device in the classroom.

For those not in the know, the Apple TV is a small box that connects to your television set so that you can watch media from your computer or from the internet (think iTunes on your home television).

Quite possibly the best Apple TV feature is a technology called AirPlay. This allows users to stream media from their iOS devices (iPod, iPhone, iPad), Macs, and even PCs (more on this below!) wirelessly.

"But, how is this useful in the classroom?" you may say. The Apple TV can be used not only with a television, but a data projector to output the display and audio from any device. This means that you could walk around the classroom with an iPad with no cables while projecting a lesson or live demonstration using your projector. Students could also present their work from their own devices using AirPlay to the whole class using the Apple TV. What I am most excited about is that I can now wirelessly transmit audio and video and even extend my desktop or mirror my laptop's display on the projector. In the past, I had an audio cable and a display cable connecting my laptop to the projector. This severely limited where I could place my computer and keyboard. Now, I will be able to leave my laptop on my desk, not worry about anyone tripping on cables, and still be able to project engaging content for the whole class to see, hear, and interact with (see my interactive whiteboard tutorial).

Setup for Macs since mid-2011

In order to use AirPlay on a Mac you need the latest OS (10.8 - Mountain Lion), an Apple TV 2 or 3, and a Mac no older than early/mid-2011. (see a complete list of supported systems and detailed instructions from Apple)

Setup for Macs (before mid-2011) and PCs

I have a Macbook from 2010, so this is my particular arrangement. I use an app called AirParrot ($9.99/Free Trial) to connect to my Apple TV 2 (also works on Apple TV 3). You could use the setup for any PC running Windows XP or later.

AirParrot menu in the Mac's menu bar.
After you have installed AirParrot and registered it, you will have full access to all of the features. To connect to your Apple TV, make sure the Apple TV is on, then on your computer, load AirParrot. AirParrot will keep itself in your system tray (PC) or menu bar (Mac). Click on the AirParrot icon and select "Apple TV" as your device. By default, your computer's display will now mirror onto your television or through your projector depending on your setup. By another default, audio will continue to play through your computer's speak unless you enable audio through the AirParrot app. If you want AirParrot to AirPlay audio, you may be asked to install a driver and restart your computer for it to take effect.

Extending your desktop

If you wanted to show a movie to your class or leave a PowerPoint presentation up on your projected screen (or classroom television) but continue to use your computer at your desk, you could extend your desktop. Think of this as two monitors next to one another. The main monitor is on your left (laptop or desktop screen) where you could check your email, the secondary monitor in on your right (connected to your Apple TV) that your students are watching. To do this, in AirParrot click on "Extend Desktop" under "Displays". Now  you can drag an application from your main monitor off to the right of your screen and watch it appear on the display connected to your Apple TV.

For more information on AirParrot's features and technical support (quite stellar), check out their website.