
July 21, 2011

A Brave New World, er... Classroom.

This September marks the beginning of my first year teaching grade 5 in a public school. As if this weren't bewildering enough, I am also confronted with a blank canvas of a classroom. This though, has me feeling excited because it transports me back to the days of teacher's college.

There, we eager future teachers spent our time planning out the ideal classroom; where our interactive whiteboard, computer bank, and reading corner would go. I remember making perfect little arrangements of desks so my angel students could cooperatively discuss the topic of the day. My pencil and paper classroom was perfectly arranged, neat, and sunny (though my drafting skills were a bit messy).

It's interesting. Writing this article made me wonder if I still had a copy of what that ideal classroom looked like, and sure enough, I found it. Looking at the drawing I'm really shocked that it looks a lot like a plan I drew just yesterday, about five years after my degree. I guess this was all meant to be. Three windows, same door placement, computers in the back, guided reading table, dimensions - freaky.

My ideal and very simple classroom setup from teacher's college, 2006.
My draft classroom setup for my first grade 5 class, 2011.

This blog will chronicle my journey, as I try turning my ideal classroom into a reality.

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