Books, books, books... where to begin? |
Since writing this entry, I have setup my classroom library. Click here for how I did it.
One of the items on my
classroom setup list is a classroom library and reading nook. Let's focus on the library today, I have some ideas brewing for my nook.
Last week, I posted a message to my teaching friends on Facebook wondering where I could get some children's books for dirt cheap. The replies were varied, but several mentioned Value Village and the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Both turned out to be pretty good, but Value Village really rocked it. I purchased 25 books for about $30 - not bad.
Today I wandered back into my new classroom after a few weeks of holiday to find crates of books from the previous teacher. After hours of sorting, I found some good finds, including a few books from the Bones series (I really want to develop a rich collection of graphic novels), and a really great trove of non-fiction.
I have started organizing the library by making piles of fiction and non-fiction books. I split non-fiction up into distinct categories including sports, science, animals, environment, ancient civilizations, trivia and humour, etc. I haven't started dividing up my fiction books yet, but I thought I would create bins of popular authors, canadian literature, and then group by genres including mystery, adventure, biographical, etc. I hope I'm doing this right, it takes a lot of work.
I know that some teachers organize their library by reading level. I reflected on that, but decided that maybe grouping by interest would be more appealing to students. I can teach students in the first few weeks about how to select an appropriate text for them.
The plan now is to keep sorting, organize into labelled bins, and see what materializes...
Questions I Have: (some of my answers in bold)
Where can I get comic books for cheap? I still don't have an answer for this.
Should students return their own books? I am going to use a "book return" bin.
Should I keep track of who has what or let it be? I'm not going to bother.
Should I rotate books to keep the library fresh? I will, a bit.
What kind of magazines could I use? Where do I get them? "The Mentor" suggests entertainment magazines that are free form the movie theatre - thanks! I have placed requests in my monthly newsletters for child-friendly magazines.