
January 26, 2018

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going

It's been a number of years since I last updated this blog - my journey into the world of teaching and learning. After reading a blog post about the value of reflection by George Courus as part of the Integration of Information and Communication Technology, Part 2 AQ course, I thought it was about time to reflect and set some new priorities.

When I first took over my classroom, the physical space was both an opportunity and a disappointment. I had two older desktop computers, wired internet, blackboards, loads of dusty books, and tons of ideas and energy.

I quickly removed my blackboards and built my own homemade whiteboards. They lasted a number of years, but about two months ago they were replaced with real whiteboards - hooray!

I built my own interactive whiteboard and had that replaced (with the support of my administrator)  with a Smartboard and projector installation on the ceiling.

With the support of that same administrator I was able to build up a small collection of iPads that quickly morphed into a project to outfit every classroom with new portable devices. I now have a large complement of iPads and Chromebooks.

I implemented my own Google Apps for Education (now G Suite) instal and administered accounts for all of my students ahead of an initiative that brought G Suite to our entire district.

I have slowly built up my classroom library with new and high-interest books at a variety of reading levels.

After doing some research on project based learning (PBL), a leaned in, fully. I spent a whole year doing all of my social studies and science curriculum using the PBL model. It went so well I presented a workshop at one of school district's professional development days and put together a how-to video:

A lot of learning has happened. While I used to teach some combination of fourth and fifth grades, I now teacher seventh and eighth grades after our school added an intermediate division to become a K-8 school. I am the first intermediate teacher at Central Public School which is an amazing opportunity to establish what intermediate learning at our school means. That transition has lead to piles of learning that I need to take some more time to reflect upon. In the meantime, here's how the physical space has changed:
  • wifi!!
  • a ceiling mounted projector
  • a sit/stand adjustable computer desk
  • a learning "cafe" with bar stools along the windows
  • a new giant cork board in the hallway to display out work
  • a Smartboard
  • wireless video from my laptop to the projector
  • an Apple TV
  • a growing collection of 18 Chromebooks and 5 iPads
  • some fresh paint and new bookcases
  • plants!!
Gone is:
  • my grandmother's couch (I miss it - I needed the space)
  • the reading carpet (miss it too)
What's next?

I put together a list of my goals here.